Telling Stories - Chelsea Road Project

Solo show at The Art Cohort, Bath from 2-14th March 2020. From November 2019 to January 2020 I conducted interviews with the shopkeepers of Chelsea Road. These conversations were recorded as audio and video. The work which resulted from these recordings had the aim of capturing the emotional responses of the individuals through their words and gestures. The output consisted of 6 silent films, a word piece on paper and accompanying book.

Nine interviews were conducted with shop keepers from Chelsea Road. These interviews were transcribed and analysed, and the words used have been ranked in order of usage from most to least frequently used. The total number of different words is 1,792.

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Two, 2020, Inkjet print on paper.

People didn’t really ask about what people were saying, they were more interested in the people...their personalities, their characteristics,
— Kat Dawe Schmeisser, Director of The Art Cohort

Di and Nic, 2020, Video 58:45 minutes. Link to video excerpt only.

